Saturday, January 23, 2016

Equality in Indian Religious Practices

People in India are quite devoted when it comes to their religious practices and ceremonies and I have nothing against someone doing something they want, as long as it does not affect others in a negative way. But then Indians want to let others know when they are doing something good, like praying or going on pilgrimages to temples like Sabari malai, etc., This is where I believe they encroach upon the space of others quite liberally.

Where we used to live, there was a church nearby. The Sunday services are always done with loud speakers and the whole surrounding area is forced to hear it. And we moved to another place and now there is another church nearby and the same deal again. Right next to my sister's house, there is a church and every Sunday no one can talk to them on phone since all you can hear is the loud preaching of the church. I do not understand why people have to disturb others when they are praying or doing religious ceremonies. This happens every Sunday and is very annoying. Didn't even Jesus Christ preach that when you pray, you pray in privacy without sounding a trumpet? Trumpets would be less louder and for much shorter duration, than the loud speakers we are forced to hear every Sunday!

Then there are other seasonal celebrations like going to Sabari mala, where people rent out loud speakers and blare the devotional music and their religious chantings out so loud, that one wonders whether these people are looking for peace and harmony, or just plain recognition.

The idea of equal rights in India seems to have a net negative effect on everyone. Everyone has a right to disturb everyone else... Non-Christians are annoyed by the loud Sunday services, Christians are annoyed by loud non-Christian ceremonies, and non-Muslims are annoyed by Muslim service calls. The point is to have everyone follow whatever they want, without disturbing others. Tolerance should not be in tolerating the annoyances caused by others, but should be a "live, and let live" attitude towards others that they can follow whatever they want and do whatever they want, and I am OK with that.

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